Saturday, June 9, 2012

Music in Buffalo

I really didn't expect finding Buffalo events to be quite this hard. I hear about them all the time and thinking back it was always after the event had happened. Sometimes a few days or even a year later.
I can’t find any information on Edgfest. So I have no idea if I missed it or if it is just not happening this year. the radio station that hosts the event doesn’t even have any past Edgefest information on it’s site. WTH?

Instead of posting about a current Edgefest I am going to talk about a past one that I went to.

I have to say my all-time favorite Edgefest was in 2005 with Billy Idol, Flogging Molly, 30 Seconds to Mars and Static-X. The best part was just after my friends and i had gotten right up to the stage to see Flogging Molly.

The band was mucking around a little and there had been a sizable amount of space in the front that i had been about to comment on. The comment never happened because just at that moment the bands started. And by started i mean that as the guitarist lifted his arm the crowd around us lifted into the air and their feet hit the same moment his pick hit the strings. Thank god for peripheral vision. My jaw hit the ground when i saw this and i looked with that look on my face. I swear the singer saw my reaction and smirked at me with that 'hell yeah' look.

I also just realized that happened 7 years ago. Wow. So now that i have either made you feel really old or really young...  more on the local music.

Buffalo’s music seen is as vast as it is hidden. This is defiantly one of thoughs situations where you need to explore and brave the fliers on the lamp poles and in coffee shops.

Some people wouldn't give a random flier a second glance (other people probably can't read some of the fonts used). Some of the 'bigger events' sometimes have a posting in Art Voice which is a conveniently free newspaper and local happenings. Oh look, a link to their music section.

So...if you really want the hard to find music sceen you will have to stop in music stores, hit up coffie shops and ask. Actually, there are some really nice people working around the city and if you ask nicly they will help you as best they can.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Calender Updated

I just added all the current events that will be happening at the Buffalo Central Terminal to the blogs calender. I'm happy to see how much is going on. Hopefully there will be a wonderfull turn out at all of them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

CNN's Cooper versus Buffalo Dyngus Day

So apparently I dropped the ball this week and I missed CNN's Anderson Cooper versus Buffalo's tiny little Dyngus holiday. It seems he had a nice little giggle fits on national live TV. There also seems to be a few people in the Buffalo area that are upset because he called the holiday stupid.

Now I heard about this on The Edge (a local radio station) on my way home from work. And even the DJ thought it was ridiculous that people were/are getting upset that Cooper thought it was just an excuse to drink. Because honestly, that's pretty much what it is.

However... I have included a link to the clip because Anderson Cooper giggles like a little schoolgirl. Seriously his only reason to watch the clip.

He even has an explanation for his laughter and he claims he was saying his giggling fit was stupid not the holiday. Do we believe? Hell no.

There is an official response from Eddie Dobosiewicz co-founder of Dingus Day Buffalo. Unfortunately, it does not seem to bring an air of elegance to this whole situation and seems a bit childish. However he is trying so I give him props for that. Below is the link to the video.

With luck he will accept Buffalo's invitation to come to the next celebration. Or better yet maybe he'll just keep his mouth shut and save us from having to listen to his giggling again.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Butter Lamb Tradition

The short hand is this:

First you take some butter and sculpt it to look like a lamb. Some people take it to church to be blessed for luck. Then it is served at Easter dinner.

The Polish name for this is baranek wielkanocny. And with Buffalo Having a big Polish community (with lots of tasty food) these show up ever Easter. The Broadway Market is the most well known seller of the butter(ed) lamb. You can also find them at specialty delis and more recently at large food stores.

I think this is just one of thoughs traditions that is different with each family. It seems that word of mouth can't convey the meanings that people and their families have associated with this much loved tradition.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dyngus Day

Ah Dyngus Day… Wait what? And what’s with the women with the pussy willow branches and just what is that guy doing with a bowl of water? This used to be my reaction to hearing about this Polish holiday that you always hear about in Buffalo.

Boiled down, Dyngus Day is a great big party. The ladies get branches of pussy willows to whap (and not beat senseless) the guys and the guys get to spritz the ladies with water. All this in an attempt to flirt and socialize.

Fortunately there is a handy site up for all your history and party needs. Fortunately their history page sheds some light on the whole tradition. Buffalo’s Official Dyngus Day Site.

They also have a very full event scheduled.

And by ‘full’ I mean it is second only to St. Patrick’s day with all it’s party and happenings. It is definitely something to check out. The main parade starts at 5pm  and it travels the Historic Polonia District. It begins at Corpus Christi Church; Ends at Buffalo Central Terminal.

Have a Happy Dyngus Day!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Once Upon a Time...

Fifteen years ago I moved with my family to the Buffalo area in New York state.

Why am I being so specific? Prior to living here I could not seem to recall have ever heard of Buffalo. The ones that did know of it only knew it got a lot of snow. Knowing I can't change that I am still going to get it out there that there is a lot more to Buffalo then just snow.

Buffalo also has some of the most helpful people I have ever met or run across. Seriously, this city is called many names (Queen City, Nickle City, City of Lights) but The City of Good Neighbors seems to fit the bill best. I'm not saying it's all sunshine and rainbows, but every time I have had to ask for directions from a random person they always try to help as best as they can.

yet for being the second most populated city in New York (over 260,000 per 2010 census) I have heard a lot of people talking about 'what to do today/tonight'.  (The second popular question is 'what is Dingus day'.) I think the answer is that there is just so much going on that everyone gets overwhelmed.

There are a bunch of big yearly attractions that more people out side of the city are learning about. Then you have the countless small local events that pop up seemingly over night or have always been. When it comes to finding them it can be hard if you don't know were to start looking. Around Buffalo word of mouth is king. However, with the popularity of Facebook, Twitter and cell phones Things are starting to become more accessible. There are almost endless new events popping up because of this.

Then you have all the colleges around and in the city. Which should be the biggest sign that there are things to do because once in a while college students have to do other things besides study. Seriously, there are about eight different colleges with multiple different campuses spread about the area.

With that in mind I am going to be posting in separate sites.
Will have all my posts, a list of links to and a calender of what events I find out about. If i happen to find out about them after the fact I will add them and check to see if they are recurring or one shots.
My posts will also be here, but along with them I will be able to reblog other things that show up on tumbler. In theory this will be the more active source because of what it is.!/MuchAdoBuffalo
It will either be very quiet of have retweets galore. With the occasional tweet about new posts.

So! With all that out of the way I can dive right in to the mysteries of a friendly city.