Wednesday, April 11, 2012

CNN's Cooper versus Buffalo Dyngus Day

So apparently I dropped the ball this week and I missed CNN's Anderson Cooper versus Buffalo's tiny little Dyngus holiday. It seems he had a nice little giggle fits on national live TV. There also seems to be a few people in the Buffalo area that are upset because he called the holiday stupid.

Now I heard about this on The Edge (a local radio station) on my way home from work. And even the DJ thought it was ridiculous that people were/are getting upset that Cooper thought it was just an excuse to drink. Because honestly, that's pretty much what it is.

However... I have included a link to the clip because Anderson Cooper giggles like a little schoolgirl. Seriously his only reason to watch the clip.

He even has an explanation for his laughter and he claims he was saying his giggling fit was stupid not the holiday. Do we believe? Hell no.

There is an official response from Eddie Dobosiewicz co-founder of Dingus Day Buffalo. Unfortunately, it does not seem to bring an air of elegance to this whole situation and seems a bit childish. However he is trying so I give him props for that. Below is the link to the video.

With luck he will accept Buffalo's invitation to come to the next celebration. Or better yet maybe he'll just keep his mouth shut and save us from having to listen to his giggling again.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Butter Lamb Tradition

The short hand is this:

First you take some butter and sculpt it to look like a lamb. Some people take it to church to be blessed for luck. Then it is served at Easter dinner.

The Polish name for this is baranek wielkanocny. And with Buffalo Having a big Polish community (with lots of tasty food) these show up ever Easter. The Broadway Market is the most well known seller of the butter(ed) lamb. You can also find them at specialty delis and more recently at large food stores.

I think this is just one of thoughs traditions that is different with each family. It seems that word of mouth can't convey the meanings that people and their families have associated with this much loved tradition.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dyngus Day

Ah Dyngus Day… Wait what? And what’s with the women with the pussy willow branches and just what is that guy doing with a bowl of water? This used to be my reaction to hearing about this Polish holiday that you always hear about in Buffalo.

Boiled down, Dyngus Day is a great big party. The ladies get branches of pussy willows to whap (and not beat senseless) the guys and the guys get to spritz the ladies with water. All this in an attempt to flirt and socialize.

Fortunately there is a handy site up for all your history and party needs. Fortunately their history page sheds some light on the whole tradition. Buffalo’s Official Dyngus Day Site.

They also have a very full event scheduled.

And by ‘full’ I mean it is second only to St. Patrick’s day with all it’s party and happenings. It is definitely something to check out. The main parade starts at 5pm  and it travels the Historic Polonia District. It begins at Corpus Christi Church; Ends at Buffalo Central Terminal.

Have a Happy Dyngus Day!