Monday, December 22, 2014

The Calender has been updated!

And this would not have been possible with out my friend and coworker Maryann who let me kidnap her new calender to get all this stuff from. There is so much stuff! I never would have been able to hunt it all down on the web by myself. (I have found 2 typos so far...)

Disclaimer: all events and dates can change and I might not know until after the event!

That said while the event name is listed on the calender, there is no contact or websites on the calender about sections. A lot of the events are on going. The weekly and monthly ones I was mostly able to add as such. But I missed a lot. For the majority I have only listed the start days. This probably won't change because I am going to be adding sections for the festivals as I attend them.

I will and can not attend them all. September 12th has seven events that day. I might be able to swing two if they are close to cut down on travel time... but probably not more then that unless they are going on Sundays also.

I... Might consider asking some of my friends to take pictures and notes for me if they go to festivals that I can't go to. I will definitely be looking for links to blog posts. But right now I can't hire or pay for other people to write for me.

 It's funny, May through August is crammed with every event you can think of. Considering there seems to be an event happening every weekend of the year I am impressed. It takes a lot of people to run and go to these shows.

As for now, the 2015 calender has been updated! New things might make it onto the calender if I find out in time. Happy planning all!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Wow it's been two years?

Two whole years... wow. I'll start with some changes that I might have posted about. Since then I have my old computer rebuilt and then replaced. I got a smart phone so the idea was that when I went out and did stuff I could post then and everything would be better because getting photos off my camera seemed to take me forever. Hint: I haven't done anything since getting the phone. (Snowvember doesn't count.) So, here are some and possably all of my current updates.

First is the tumblr.

The tumblr is the most active bit around here. I had forgotten that this and that were not synced. At all. Ever. It is mostly me re-blogging other, more interesting people from Buffalo that happen to also be on tumblr. Lot's of historic stuff and older concert stuff. Artvoice is there and others. Original posts are a little lacking but there is an explanation! If I can find a lot of interesting stuff I do set up scheduled posts.

Then there is the twitter.

This is less active then the tumblr but it still is mostly re-tweets because there is a lot of news sites on twitter. It is starting to have more original posts because it is synced with the facebook page.

Then there is facebook page.

Right, so because I have my art twitter posting to my art page... Twitter will not let me also link to my Buffalo page. (Because apparently no one has more then one page and one twitter? who knows.) Fortunately I can post to the twitter from the facebook page. I have also figured out how to share posts to the page. (which I might add to the site because help is helpful.) It's very quiet because I made it on December 1st, 2014. This also has a scheduled post ability so the more I find the more I can set up.

Lastly there is the website.